International Ice Hockey Rules
Total number of first downs made by both teams |
Wager is on how many total 1st downs there will be in game. Overtime counts towards wager. Official stats via
First team to have 3 scores in a row |
Touchdown=Extra point or 2 point conversions, Field Goal and safety, Overtime counts towards wager. for results.
Team to have the shortest field goal in the game |
Overtime counts towards wager. Game must go 55 minutes for action.If both teams have short field goals from the same distance or no Field goal is made, wager is no action.
Which team will score from inside the red zone 1st |
Wager is on which team will score from inside the Red Zone 1st in game. Red Zone is goal line to 20 yrd line. Score has to happen in Red Zone, any score inside opponents 20 yard line. Goal line has no action. Overtime counts towards wager
Team to score last in the first half will be |
Winning wager is team that scores last in the 1st half of the game. 1st half must go 30 minutes for action. Official stats via
<< Start < Prev 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Next > End >>
Results 334 - 342 of 875 |