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Mixed Martial Arts Rules Print

Unless otherwise noted, fights must take place within one week of the listed date of the fight or the bout will be graded "no action" and wagers refunded.

Results will be graded based on the official result.

When a "draw" occurs, wagers on both fighters "to win" are refunded.

A total listed on a fight represents the total number of completed rounds. The halfway point of a round is at exactly two minutes and thirty seconds into a five minute round. Thus, 2½ rounds would be two minutes and thirty seconds of the 3rd round.

Player vs Player - Handicap Print
Wager is on total number of games played in Match. Match must be completed without either player retiring or being disqualified for bets to be action.
NBA Playoffs - Alternative Spread & Total Print

NBA games must go at least 43 minutes to have action.

For wagering purposes, winners and losers are determined by the final score (including overtime), provided that the game has gone the minimum time as specified above.


If play is suspended before the minimum time has been reached and not resumed the same day, all bets will be scored as 'no action' and all money refunded.


All wagers on the game and all wagers on the second half will include overtime scoring. Unless noted before a contest, all events must be played on the scheduled date to have action.

Total points+assists+rebounds made by (Player) Print

Player must play in game for wager to have action. Overtime counts towards wager. Official stats via Any scoring changes after game is official are invalid towards wager.

Conf Team to win NCAA Men Basketball Champ Print

 Winning wager is Conference (team) that wins NCAA Hoops Title. All Conferences (Teams) are action.

All wagers are treated as "All-in" and have action regardless of suspensions or cancelations affecting individual games. 


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Results 298 - 306 of 875