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Finishing Position Print

The wager is based on the position of the horse, in the leaderboard, at the end of the race.


 If the over/under is 3½, and the horse finishes in the top 3 then the under is the winner, if it finishes 4th or lower, then the over is the winner.

If the over/under is 6½, and the horse finishes in the top 6 then the under is the winner, if it finishes 7th or lower, then the over is the winner.

If the over/under is 7½, and the horse finishes in the top 7 then the under is the winner, if it finishes 8th or lower, then the over is the winner.

If the over/under is 8½, and the horse finishes in the top 8 then the under is the winner, if it finishes 9th or lower, then the over is the winner.

Which team will score first in the 4th quarter Print

Wager is official after either team scores in the 4th qtr.If neither team scores in the 4th qtr no for stats.Max

Will there be a score in 1st 7min 30sec of 3rd qtr Print

Wager is on if either team will score in the 1st 7 minutes and 30 seconds of 3rd qtr. Wager is official after 1st 7 minutes and 30 seconds have been played. If a team scores at the 7 minute and 30 seconds mark, yes is the winning wager.

RB1 vs RB2 - most rush+receiving yrds made by Print

 Both Players must play for action.Game must go 55 min for action. Overtime counts towards wager.Any scoring changed after game is official are invalid towards wager.

WR vs WR -Longest pass reception in gm Print

Wager is on which player will have the longest catch (pass reception) in game. Overtime counts towards wager. for stats.

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