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What will (player) do in his 1st At-Bat Print

Player listed has to lead off the game for action.

Any recorded out that doesn't touch the ground will be considered a Flyout, if ball hits the ground and a out is recorded, it will be graded as a groundout.

Wager is official after 1st At Bat.

Video Poker Print

Game Rules

Poker at an Online Casino is what you get if you cross Stud Poker with a slot machine and throw in a few wild cards. It's fast, almost like playing Stud, and you've got a huge range of options. To start, you select either single play where one hand is dealt at a time or the more challenging, quadruple play where four hands are dealt at once. The Video Poker games consist of the following: Jacks or Better, Tens or Better, Joker Poker, Deuces Wild and Aces & Faces.  

Each of these games has a multi hand (a total of 4 hands) alternative where you have better chances to get a good hand. First choose your bet, these bet will be same amount for each hand. For example, if you choose $1 coin you will risk a total of $4, one dollar for each hand. When the cards are dealt, you will play the first hand choosing which cards to keep. These cards will remain in all the hands and new cards will be dealt to replace those you discard.  Some machines have an additional bet when you won.

You can risk your winnings (or half) to double the amount you won. If you decide to go into this bet, you will have to beat the Casino in a highest card game. As with most forms of Poker, the objective of the game is to get the best hand possible. The payoffs are marked right on the face of the Video Poker machine so it's a fast lesson in what the hand ranks are. All Video Poker variations rank hands the same, though some variations may add an extra rank or two.  

The first thing to note is that the game graphic interface shows you the payoff for each betting level. Invariably playing Max Bet pays off better, overall, than any of the lower multiples.  Each game has its own personality and rewards a particular kind of play. Also, the machines let you play anything from ¢0.25 through $5 "coins", with the payoffs improving at the high end of the scale. So if you know Poker hands and take the time to learn your game, Video Poker is fast, fun and rewarding. Players should keep in mind that each game has its own strategy: 

Placing a Bet

As with a slot machine, betting is pretty straight forward in Video Poker. On any given machine you can choose, from ¢0.25 up to $5 with either the "BET ONCE" or "BET MAX" buttons. First need to select the denomination you wish to play from the four choices; 25 cents, 50 cents, 1 dollar and 5 dollars. The buttons are located just above the reel windows on the slot machine. Next you can choose the amount of coins you wish to play by hitting the “BET ONCE” button up to maximum allowed  (i.e. if the coin you are playing with is 1 dollar then by playing three coins you will be wagering 3 dollars). The odds table will highlight the odds column that apply to the amount of coins you are going to play. 

Playing the Game

After selecting the amount to bet, press “DEAL” to start the game (or you can hit “MAX BET” and start the game with a 5 coins wager). Five cards will be deal and you have to do 2 actions:  1.     Hold cards: you must hold or discard as many cards as you want. To do it, you can press the “HOLD” button below the card you want to hold or just press the card itself. To deselect a held card you do the same process as before, press “HOLD” button or the card.2.     Deal final hand: press “DEAL” to discard the card you don’t want to hold and replace them with new ones.You will receive the amount of coins indicated by the highest hand you can form with the cards in your final hand. Some Video Poker machines will give the opportunity of double your winnings. After showing the amount you won, a dialog box will appear showing you 3 options you can choose: 

  1.  Double: risk the total winning for a double or noting bet.
  2.  Half: risk half of the total winning for a double or noting bet.
  3. Collect: don’t wager your winning.

If you choose this additional bet, new cards will be dealt, all face down except the first representing the house card.  You have to beat the house card choosing a card with higher value (of the face down cards).  If you win, the double of the amount you bet will be granted to you.  The double down option will appear at maximum 3 times if you win.

Exit the Game

Click EXIT to leave the game and return to the Casino Lobby.   You cannot leave a game until it’s finished.   

Slot Machines Print

Game Rules  

The Casino offers 4 Slot machines games, which are similar if not the same when it comes to the general dynamics of playing them. These are the classic three-reel slot machine complete with spinning reels, and one five-reel slot machine.    

Our slots come in multi-coin and multi-play options which let you bet more than one coin per play, choosing where to bet and how much.    The object of the game is to achieve a winning combination of symbols to win a corresponding prize. Different combinations as well as different scores give you different payoffs. So just choose your bet click on the button and start playing!   

Placing a Bet  

To begin playing the slots, you first need to select the denomination you wish to play from the four choices; 25 cents, 50 cents, 1 dollar and 5 dollars. The buttons are located just above the reel windows on the slot machine.   Next you can choose the amount of coins you wish to play (i.e. if the coin you are playing with is 1 dollar then by playing three coins you will be wagering 3 dollars). The odds table will highlight the odds column that apply to the amount of coins you are going to play.    By hitting “MAX BET” you will wager 3 times (or 5 coins in 5 paylines machines) the amount of the coin you have chosen to play. You can wager multiples of the coin up to maximum allowed by hitting the “BET ONCE” button.    

Playing the Game  

Once you are satisfied with the coin and the amount of coins wagered you can hit the “SPIN” to start the wheeling of the reels. By hitting “MAX BET” you will wager the maximum amount of coins allowed and the reels will start wheeling immediately.  If the symbols in one payline match a winner combination in the paytable, the won amount will be added to your current balance. 

Exit the Game

Click EXIT to leave the game and return to the Casino Lobby.  

Roulette Print

Game Rules  

Roulette is the most popular table game in the world. At first glance, a roulette table layout may appear complicated, yet in reality, it's a very easy game to play and understand.

A roulette table is divided into 38 slots in which the ball may land. 
The slots are numbered from 1 to 36, alternately colored red & black. 0 and 00 are colored green.  You can bet on any single number, play a combination of numbers, as well as play red or black, odd or even, and columns of numbers. The following table resumes the different type of bets and the payoff:

BET TYPE NUMBERS PLAYED (examples in parenthesis) PAYOFF ODDS
Single Number Any single number (9) 35 to 1
Split Bet 2 Numbers (18 or 21) 17 to 1
Trio Bet 2 Numbers (16,17,18) 11 to 1
4 Number Bet 4 Numbers (25,26,28 & 29) 8 to 1
6 Number Bet 6 Numbers (1,2,3,4,5 or 6) 5 to 1
Column Bet 12 Numbers (Numbers 1 thru 12 inclusive) 2 to 1
Dozen Bet 12 Numbers (1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22,25,28,31,34) 2 to 1
Red or Black All Red Numbers or All Black Numbers 1 to 1
High or Low 18 Numbers (either 1-18 or 19-36) 1 to 1
Even or Odd All Even Numbers or All Odd Numbers 1 to 1



After you place your bets, the ball is spin in the opposite direction of the turning wheel. When the ball comes to rest in one of the slots, the dealer will call out the winning number and settle all bets.



Placing a Bet

First you select the chip to place (1, 5, 25 or 100 dollar chip). Next, move the cursor to number or combination of numbers you wish to play. Every time you click on the spot one chip will be added. You can change the selected chip to adjust your bet any time before dealing.  Chips are ordered from the one with the higher value to the lower one.   

There are two more options for placing bets: “CLEAR” and “REBET”.


  • The CLEAR option removes all the bets placed on the table layout.
  • The REBET option puts the same bets you did the turn before. 



To remove a chip, press shift key along with left click on the spot where your bet is placed and the chip on top will be removed. You can do this for every chip you got on the betting spot. 

Playing the Game


Before start a game you need to select the number or combination of numbers you wish to wager and place your bets. After that, press “SPIN” to start spinning the ball into the turning wheel.  The ball will stop on one slot and the bets you loose will be removed and the ones you win will be kept to play again. 

Exit the Game

Click EXIT to leave the game and return to the Casino Lobby.

Craps Print

Game Rules

Craps is considered by many to be the most exciting game in any casino. There are many varieties of wagering, and as a result, Craps can also be a complicated game. But there are some simple bets that you can make to start with, and the odds on these are quite favorable.   

The objective of the game is to bet on the outcome of the dice, that you as the "shooter" throw. You are allowed to bet in favor that the shooter will win, in favor that the house will win, or you can bet on the numeric outcome of both dice.  

The dice are rolled across the craps table layout. The layout is divided into three areas - two side areas separated by a center one. Each side area is the mirror reflection of the other and contains the following: Pass and Don't Pass line bets, Come and Don't Come bets, Odds bet, Place bets and Field bets. The center area is shared by both side areas and contains the Proposition bets.  

The first roll in a Craps round is called the come out roll. If the dice total is 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 then the point is established. On the other hand a total of 2, 3, 7, 11, or 12 on the come out roll immediately ends the round. When the point has been established, an “ON” disk will be placed on the point. After the point is rolled the dice will be rolled continuously until the same point is rolled again or a 7.  

Below is a list of the various bets you can make at craps.  

Pass Line, Also called the "Front Line," this bet is made on a "come out" roll, when no point has been established. A first roll of seven or eleven (known as naturals) automatically wins. A first roll of two, three or twelve (known as craps) automatically loses. A first roll of 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 establishes the number as your "point." Once a point has been established, the "shooter" continues to roll the dice until either the point number rolls again (which is a pass line winner, and bettors are paid even money) or a seven out rolls and all pass line bets lose.  

Come Line, This bet is an extension of the pass line. Come bets can be made any time after a pass line point has been established (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10). Seven or Eleven wins; two, three or twelve loses; any other number becomes your come point and must be repeated before a seven rolls in order to win even money.  

Don't Pass, Also called the "back line," this bet can only be made on a come out roll, when no point has been established. A first roll of seven or eleven (a natural) loses. A first roll of two or three is an automatic winner. If a twelve is thrown it is a standoff and you push. If 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 rolls, it becomes the "don't pass" point. Seven must roll before the "don't pass" point rolls for you to win. If the point number rolls before seven you lose.  

Don't Come, This is an extension of the Don't Pass line. Don't Come bets can be made any time after a point has been established. The same rules apply for the Don't Come as the Don't Pass. A first roll of seven or eleven loses, two or three wins, and twelve is a standoff. Any other number becomes the Don't Come point. You win even money if seven is rolled before the point is repeated.  

Taking Odds, This is an additional bet that can be made on the Pass Line or on a come bet, once a point has been established. A player will receive 2 to 1 on points four and ten, 3 to 2 on points five and nine and 6 to 5 on the six and eight. The reverse is true when a player is betting against a point. These are known as "True" odds.  

Laying Odds, This is an additional bet that can be made on a Don't Pass or a Don't Come bet after a point has been established. The odds pay opposite of Pass Line and Come odds.

4 or 10 One to Two

5 or 9 Two to Three

6 or 8 Five to Six
  Place Bets

Place Bets can be made at any time during play on any of the "point numbers." Place Bets pay 9 to 5 on the four or ten, 7 to 5 on the five or nine and 7 to 6 on the six or eight. These bets may be taken down, remain up or "pressed" up at any time. The bets are made on the rectangle directly above the number.  

Buy Bets, A Buy Bet is similar to a Place Bet, but pays true odds in exchange for a 5% commission. These bets are made on the rectangle directly in front of the number.  

Buy Behind or Lay Bets, Similar to a Buy Bet, but made against a point at true odds. You are charged a 5% commission. (With this bet, you are betting that the shooter will roll a seven before he/she will roll the point number.)  

Field Bet, A Field Bet is a one-roll bet that wins or loses every roll. If 3, 4, 9, 10 or 11 rolls, you win even money. If a 2 or 12 rolls you are paid double. If 5, 6, 7 or 8 rolls, all field bets lose.  

Big 6 or 8, You bet either Six or Eight hoping that either one come up before the seven is rolled. This bet pays even money.  

Proposition Bets, These bets are found in the center of the dice layout. If you make a "prop" bet the following will happen:

  • Any Craps - If the shooter rolls a two, three or twelve on the next roll you win 8 for 1
  • Any Seven - If the shooter rolls a seven on the next roll you win 5 for 1.
  • Eleven - If the shooter rolls an eleven on the next roll you win 15 for 1.
  • Ace/Deuce - If the shooter rolls a three on the next roll you win 15 for 1.
  • Two - If the shooter rolls a two on the next roll you win 30 for 1.
  • Twelve - If the shooter rolls a twelve on the next roll you win 30 for 1.
  • Hard Ways - A Hard Way bet will win if the shooter rolls a pair. Hard Ways lose if a seven rolls or if the number is thrown "the easy way" (not a pair). Example: Your bet is Hard 8. If each dice rolls four, you will win your Hard Way bet. If one dice rolls a five and the other rolls a three, you will lose.  

Placing a Bet

  Click on the chips in your bankroll to select the chip you want to add the amount you wish to bet (1, 5, 25 or 100 dollar chip). Then click on the area of the layout on which you wish to place your bet. You may click more than once to add that amount multiple times.   To remove a bet from the layout, point to it with the mouse, and press Shift key along with left click. The chip on top will be removed. You can do this for every chip you got on the betting spot.  

Playing the Game

Once you have placed your bets, press “ROLL” to start the Come Out Roll. If the dice total is 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 then the point is established. On the other hand a total of 2, 3, 7, 11, or 12 on the come out roll immediately ends the round.

When the point has been established, you can place any bet allowed after come our roll (not Pass/Don’t Pass). The game continue until the same point is rolled again or a 7.

After placing new bets, press “ROLL” to obtain the new result.

Exit the Game

  Click EXIT to leave the game and return to the Casino Lobby.  You cannot leave a game until it’s finished.

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