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Home arrow International Ice Hockey arrow International Ice Hockey Rules
International Ice Hockey Rules
Team to get the first (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40) points in the game Print
Wager is official after either team scores the first (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40) points in game. Official stats via
Player to win Sprite Slam Dunk Print

Wager is on player to win Slam Dunk contest. Slam Dunk must have a Ultimate winner for action. Player must attempt 1 dunk attempt for action.

Player to win the Taco Bell Skills Challenge Print
Challenge is Players Competing in a 2-round timed "obstacle course" event consisting of dribbling, passing and shooting stations. Event must have a Ultimate winner for action. If Player doesn't compete in challenge, he has no action.
Team to win the Degree Shooting Stars Print
The  Sears  Shooting Stars contest will feature six shooting locations of increasing difficulty, with each team attempting to make all shots in order in the fastest time.Event must have a Ultimate winner for action. Wager is on Team not players.
How Many Money Balls will Player make in 1st Rd Print

Wager is on how many Money Balls Player will make in Round 1 of Foot Locker 3 Point Shootout. $$ Ball is Red,White and Blue Ball (ABA Ball). Player must shoot all 5 $$ Balls for action. Player must compete in 3 point shootout for action.

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Results 487 - 495 of 875